Monday, December 1, 2014

Georia O'Keeffe inspired watercolor tutorial

Large watercolor paper, taped off with masking tape

 Georgia O'Keeffe was a

famous painter who painted landscapes, flowers, and bones.  She painted large scale, magnified paintings of the blossoms.

You will need

  • Large watercolor paper
  • Masking tape
  • Paint brushes
  • Watercolors
  • A water cup
  • Pencil
  • A piece of paper with a square cut out
  • A flower of your choice
  • Paper towel

 Sketch your flower on the watercolor paper with a pencil.  Remember to sketch lightly, so that your the pencil marks do not show through the paint.  Think about the negative space around the flower, and how you want to use it.  Sketch out a few different flowers or views, and pick your favorite to paint.

 Add water to your watercolor paints and start painting your flower.  Wash your brushes in between colors to keep your colors from getting muddied.  Use a paper towel to dry your brushes off and wipe excess paint of if you need.
It is easier to start light and get darker as you progress, as I learned when getting too dark at the bottom of my flower and not being able to correct it.
Be creative with the colors, you do not have to stick with the real flower colors,  Rubbing alcohol, salt, and crumpled plastic wrap can add cool effects if you want to add texture to your watercolor.

This activity is great for teaching kids how to paint and draw from life, and also let them experiment with a new media.  It is also a good way to show how looking at an object up close can be a lot different from looking at it from far back.  

Click the link below for another Georgia O'Keeffe tutorial.

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